We want to take the time today to honor all of the mothers in advance of the Mother’s Day weekend. We know that mothers are who make home hard to leave and the place we miss when we’ve had a bad day. Home truly is the best place in the world, all because of mom.
Today, we recognize the ones who keep us all together, who remember to wash the soccer uniform for tomorrow’s game (even if it’s buried deep in the bottom of the laundry basket) and the one who always brings extra snacks for when car rides are long. And even more so than kissing our boo boos or comforting us when we are sick, mom always has her way of making home a place that always feels (and smells) good. Whether intentional or not, moms protect the joy and peace of home – cooking our favorite meals and making it the place we go to for laughter, fun and relaxation. We praise the moms who wear strength and dignity as clothing (Proverbs 31:25) on a daily basis, and who serve in ways we may never know. Home wouldn’t be home without mom.
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