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Enjoy A Summer Staycation

Enjoy A Summer Staycation

We think it’s safe to say that most of us consider the Memorial Day holiday to be what marks the beginning of summer – the season of hot, humid days, cookouts, lots of time by the pool and vacations. We also know that, for many of us, vacations away can leave us needing a “vacation from the vacation” when we return home just so we can rest and recuperate (and so can the pocketbook)! How can we solve this problem? With a “staycation” of course!

Made for the Shade

Outdoors is obviously the most frequented place to be during the summertime, but, especially here in the South, sometimes you need to find some ways to really beat the heat! A pool (or sprinkler for the kids – and kids at heart!) is definitely a way to keep cool, but relaxing on the porch swing while the kids enjoy a game or two isn’t too shabby of a way to spend a summer day! A nice glass of fresh lemonade (or – ahem – sweet tea) and our favorite book, with the sound of our kids laughing in the background, seems like a refreshing little break to us.


Family Game Night

Think about this: a long drive to your destination (maybe the water park, your favorite spot on the beach or the nearest theme park), fussy kids and stressed-out parents from the car ride, then even more complaints from long lines or crowds. Come on… we know you’ve been there. It can suck part of the joy right out of your trip! Why not plan an event or two at home?

A simple potluck family game night or movie night can make a normal night at home a ton of fun. If everyone brings a dish, there will be no need to face the sweltering heat while standing at the grill. Or, take turns cooking, let your family members choose their own desired theme to cook for the whole gang one week each month during the summer. Set the cell phones aside and enjoy the company of those who make you happy.


Craft Project
If you’re looking for a fun way to kill some time indoors, a craft project is just what you need! We love this list of 50 summer craft ideas that can be done indoors and outdoors with limited supplies or tools. Summer is a great time to get crafty and use things you already have inside your home (that you need to get rid of), so start searching around the house for things you can use for craft time.

Destination: Your Hometown

Have you ever really looked into the history of the town in which you live? You might be surprised to find some interesting places to visit, without the long trip in the car! Here are some other ideas for fun while keeping it local:

  • Check with your local library to see if they have any events going on for families and children this summer. Think of this as an easy way to stay cool, while also keeping the kids busy!

  • Many places have museums/zoos/aquariums/etc. within a fairly short driving distance, and lots of them also offer passes so you can visit more than once during the summer, while also getting a discounted price per visit!

  • MOVIE NIGHT!! Our hometown offers Downtown Movie Night during the summer. If yours doesn’t, hit up your local movie theater for an air-conditioned feature presentation, or rent some of your favorite classics and whip up some popcorn and snacks for a fun family night.


Go on a scavenger hunt! This one requires a little bit of planning ahead, but can truly be a fun way to spend some time with your family. You can plan the clues to be found in your own neighborhood, make the game a little more challenging and choose spots all over town, or keep it in your own home.


One of the relaxing parts of a vacation tends to be the hotel stay. Why? No laundry, no washing dishes (unless you have chosen a cabin or condo for your trip) and no trying to decide what to fix for dinner. Why not give yourself a pass on household chores and cooking, even if it’s only for a couple of days (we know that longer than that isn’t feasible if you have a big family!).

Consider a “tour of the tastes” in your town or city, and try out a couple of new restaurants, along with paying visits to your family favorites. Spend your days hiking some nearby trails, visiting the local playground, or making an obstacle course in your own backyard. Being out of the house for excursions and meals means you don’t have to play catch-up on the chores when your time off comes to an end.

Whatever you choose to do this summer, whether it be planning a simple “staycation” or keeping it cool with lots of indoor activities, at the end of the day, you deserve to relax. Since we all know that the best relaxing comes when you get to prop up your tired feet, Rubies wants to help you do just that with a brand new sofa. Stop by and see us this weekend to take advantage of our sofa sale with up to $100 off all sofas. Think of it as a new place for lots of future “staycations” in the cool comfort of your home sweet home.

Summer at Rubies.png
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